California Near Space Project (CNSP) is pleased to announce the launch of our latest project, Super Pressure Orbiting Communications (SPOC). The primary goal of the SPOC Project is to design and build Super Pressure Balloons that will orbit the world with amateur radio communications. The SPOC Project will use Scientific Balloon Solutions new machine seamed multi-gore Super Pressure Balloons. This will allow us to fly at higher altitudes for long duration missions.
The SPOC Project will be an International effort, recruiting the most talented people with specialties in this field. We will be promoting STEM Education so teachers and students can follow the SPOC flights to learn more about aviation, weather, geography and amateur radio communications.
There will be two launch sites for the SPOC Project. The first will be in the Northern Hemisphere, Silicon Valley, California. The second will be in the Southern Hemisphere, Australia.
The SPOC payloads will use different types of communications with each flight. Some will include. APRS, WSPR, Digipeater, Global IoT network using Lorawan, Mesh networking over balloons and Emergency communications for time of disaster.
Project Director
Ron Meadows, K6RPT
Super Pressure Development
Lee Meadows
Communications Development
Andy Nguyen, VK3YT
Mark Conner, N9XTN
Flight # SPOC-1
Envelope Machine Seamed SBS Multi-Gore
Tracking Solar Powered, WSPR, Skytracker
Launch Launch site, Silicon Valley, California
Flight # SPOC-2
Envelope SBS Multi-Gore, Ready for flight
Tracking TBA
Launch TBA
Flight # SPOC-3
Envelope SBS Multi-Gore, Shipping to Southern Hemisphere launch site
Tracking TBA
Launch TBA
Flight # SPOC-4
Envelope SBS Multi-Gore, Ordered
Tracking TBA
Launch TBA